ONA.life takes the most pride in helping our community and making sure our service is at the highest possible standards. Here's what our community has to say...



“Hey Team: we couldn't thank you enough, not only for the batteries and generous gift of soothing lotion, but for being the all-around nicest and most service-oriented cannabis delivery company around. In a world seemingly gone berserk, it's a pleasure supporting you guys.”

- Jamie, San Rafael / Marin County

"ONA is the most beautifully branded cannabis website i've ever seen. I'm so impressed by the design + the selection they have curated." 

- Aria, Marin County

"Max the puppy, has not had a seizure since mid December! Pretty amazing, considering he used to have them once a month! Max is doing great, since Ona.Life!

- Carolyn Ware, Marin County

"Nurit / ONA has changed my life (for the better) I sleep! No Anxiety! And she’s a wonderful and lovely human"

– Matt, Sausalito


"I love you guys, more than you could know. And I’m so thankful you + ONA are in my life." 

– Lisa Tornello, San Rafael


"You’ve given tea a new meaning! We’ve slept better than last two nights than we have in the last month combined. Magic. Pure Magic." 

– Mill Valley ONA patient


"The hmblt calm pen is awesome!  It really works well for me when my tinnitus is loud and I need help “calming” or winding down. It’s perfect! Thanks again!  You guys are a great company!!"

- ONA patient


“I have seen ONA come to life with an insane amount of work and dedication from Nurit. Someone who ‘shows up’. Her approach and design have been a great influence on myself and the approach I have taken with my own company. ONA gives another meaning to home cannabis delivery. Uniquely curated flowers and products that anyone can enjoy. That’s my kinda cannabis.”

- Coreen Carroll, San Francisco


"Wow! What an incredible service you offer! The beauty, selection, and ease of your online store is second to none. Keep up the fabulous work, you are elevating the cannabis industry." 

- The Team at Mondo


"I was introduced to ONA.life first at Intersection SF a few months ago and it's been incredible to watch how fast you have grown - your curation and esthetic are lovely.

- Jewel Zimmer San Francisco

"ONA has a lovely collection of low dose edibles + tinctures and that's my style. Their prompt phone customer service was awesome too. I'll be a regular."

- Lenaya Kimball, Marin County


“Both your branding and packing is gorgeous! I love your approach. It’s always that the world of weed is embracing solid branding / design! I’m here to help if you ever need support."

 - Suzie Twig + Fig Berkeley


"Thank you to the moon! Your packaging and opening experience is the best. Totally makes me FEEL good and like pot can be lovely and sweet like anything else I enjoy. You nailed it with the branding." 

-  Claire Courtney with Pilates Proworks Corte Madera